Adult Diaper Reviews

Always Discreet Underwear Pictures

Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium
Front of the Always Discreet Maximum Classic Cut Underwear. This is the Small/Medium size classic cut brief.
Product Review Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium
Back of the Always Discreet Classic Cut Underwear. This shows a picture of the three different designs that are included in each package.
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Bag Right With UPC
This is the right side of the package that shows the UPC 037000887362. This picture above also includes information on how to contact the manufacturer.
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Bag Left
This is the left side of the package and displays the size information and the quantity in each bag. 19 is an unusual amount as most manufactures usually sell even amounts of products per bag.
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Bag Top
This is the top of the bag. This is the only place that notes which way the brief needs to face to properly put it on. In this case it says to wear the purple bow in the front.
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Folded Showing Thickness
This is a side picture of the Always Discreet Underwear. Note the product is very thin for discretion. Below are the three different designs that come in each bag of underwear. They feature light purple bows and floral designs.
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Folded Top
These are pictures of the underwear when pulled out of the bag. They are folded in half and are very compact.
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Folded Bottom
This picture shows the back of the brief while folded. The purple indicates the top of the diaper.
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Review
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Single Bow
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Alternate Style
The different designs of this product help to differentiate it from other brands. This helps make incontinence products feel more like regular underwear.
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Review Showing Product
Above is the backside of the underwear. Each brief has the same design on the back of the product with a light purple line.
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Inner Layer
This is a picture of the inside of the underwear. Note the very narrow absorbent material and two sets of leg gathers. This is another feature which is unique to the Always brand.
Always Discreet Underwear Small Medium Outer Layer
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